"He doesn't shout it from the rooftops, but when asked, he answers quite honestly. I think the way he puts it is, "I'm not fortunate enough to be a person of faith."But last night Rove told me he is in fact a religious person, though he didn't specify how his Christian roots manifest themselves in his life.
Rove was in Los Angeles to speak at the Gibson Ampitheatre, one of a number of distinguished voices in this year's Public Lecture Series by American Jewish University. His invitation had caused a bit of consternation in the Jewish community, but he quickly won over many of his skeptics, which I wrote about in an article that will be online Thursday.
"I spent part of my childhood in Utah," Rove said at a VIP dinner before the lecture. "I went to a high school that is 95 percent Mormon, and only in Utah could a Presbyterian and a Jew both be gentiles."
Regardless of his own beliefs, Rove, who left his post as chief adviser to President Bush in August, was instrumental in helping Bush monopolize the support of evangelical voters and making religious rhetoric an essential part of presidential campaigns, something we are seeing plenty of this year.
"Roosevelt used to say to his speech writer, Rosenman, Don't forget the God stuff at the end. That's a bit colloquial," Rove said, "but the point is Americans have always valued leaders of faith."
In fact, as early as 1800, in the race between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, religious piety and divine reverence played an important role in politics.
As Jefferson and John Adams, a publicly devout Christian, slugged it out on the campaign trail, the Gazette of the United States ran this:Now, though, Godtalk dominates -- whether it is about what kind of Christian John McCain is, why evangelicals can't stand Hillary Clinton or whether Barack Obama is a "covert Muslim." The question, and it's one Rove didn't answer, is why did religious rhetoric has become so central to running for president. So-called "moral-values issues" were just as important to voters in elections that brought Bill Clinton to the White House as those that elected and re-elected George Bush. Something else is certainly at play.THE GRAND QUESTION STATEDJefferson was vehemently attacked for being a godless, slave-owning (-impregnating) sinner. But the underlying issue was what kind of liberties would this country afford its few voting members and everyone else who lived here. Jefferson favored greater freedoms while Adams sought to strengthen the office of the president. (A proto-Bush?)
At the present solemn and momentous epoch, the only question to be asked by every American, laying his hand on his heart, is: “Shall I continue in allegiance to
Or impiously declare for
Still, many people couldn't get over the fact that Jefferson didn't believe in God. And though he eventually won through a complicated process in the Electoral College, some members who didn't want to give their vote to an atheist said they would rather "go without a Constitution and take the risk of civil war."
Karl is hardly "distinguished"; "infamous" would be more appropriate. This event (and this article - "Karl Rove lecture spins crowd animosity to admiration" http://jewishjournal.com/home/preview.php?id=18987 ) is meant to show Karl who has his back. Just like in "Goodfellas", as long as he doesn't rat anybody out (other than Valerie Plame), he can do no wrong. He is a truly reprehensible individual.
Also notice that Levy commented in the linked article, "We are an educational institution, and part of educating people is having access to opinions we might not share," Levy said before the event. "If we only invited people we liked, it would be boring."
Funny how the same consideration did not seem to apply the Ahmadinejad at Columbia as he was not only insulted by the Columbia president at his introduction, but his very presence lit a firestorm that included threats of withholding funds and donations to Columbia.
No such danger for AJU as Karl is part of the team that helped steal elections that allowed US blood and treasure to be spent waging war for Israel.
Hey, I'm not defending the guy. He was the chief architect of my disenfranchisement from the Republican Party. But he is no Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Not even close.
The AJU 2008 lecture series is a gift basket to the neo-cons. The attendees by its very nature (the cost of tickets to the series) would be inclined to support anyone seen as favorable to the current regime in Israel (i.e. Karl Rove, Tony Snow, Bill Maher, Arianna Huffington, Paul Begala, Tony Blair). That this group would be less than outraged against a traitorous criminal like Karl Rove is, while deplorable, fully understandable.
Ahmadinejad was an invited world leader who was treated like dirt by Columbia's president. Imagine the same treatment given to someone like Benjamin Neytanyahu, and the outrage would be off the charts (with the accompanying megaphone of MSM outrage to continue to stir the pot).
Karl Rove is a skeevy and shady character deserving of total denunciation. That he is the darling of the neo-cons should have no bearing on that assessment.
Actually, the same treatment was given to Netanyahu when a planned speech he had at Concordia University in Montreal was canceled because of violent protesting that, from the footage I've seen, looked an awful lot like a pogrom.
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