Thursday, November 8, 2007

'Mario Bros' electric show

My GeekHeeb colleague put this up on his blog last night. I'm not sure how two Tesla cables and a fiber-optic cable running from a laptop create the theme to "Mario Bros," but this is pretty awesome, sort of like "The Prestige." (The Geek Group did a similar demonstration.)

Can someone explain how this works?


Anonymous said...

I've seen some pretty badass tesla coil demonstrations.

But nothing like that!




Anonymous said...

Here's how it's done:


(What am I, your one commentor? Do I still need to sign these posts?)

Brad A. Greenberg said...

For some reason, Siamang, other God Blog readers, and I know from Google Analytics that there are hundreds of regulars, don't like to comment. I always appreciate your insights.

Troy Masters said...

We're shy...and I thought Tesla coils were only good for towering enemies in C&C Red Alert. Anybody else know what I'm talking about? Anyone?

Brad A. Greenberg said...

Maybe somebody with reelintelligence(.net) does.

Troy Masters said...

Wow, I probably spent too much time looking this up, but here is a reference to what I am talking about:

Since the dawn of time, tesla coils and video games have been linked...