Friday, April 27, 2007

Pharoah and the LAFD

LAFD's public image continues to spiral down. My colleague, Eugene Tong, reported yesterday that someone had gotten on the PA of a fire station in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood (synonymous with L.A. Jewry) and sung, "Who let the Jews out?" to the tune of the Baha Men's hit song.

That story hit the wire and caught the eye of New Yorker Sam Apple, who is Jewish and two years ago published a book called "Schlepping Through the Alps," described by The Washington Post as "The liveliest, most unusual travel tale in recent memory."

To promote his book, Apple created a Passover parody that he put up on YouTube.

Jewcy rated it the second best Jewish Viral Video based on "Jewishness, re-watchability and viral impact (basically, whether you would be proud to forward it)." Apple's video, which features a distraught Pharoah and a caravan of Israelites driving slammed Caddies through a parted Red Sea, was called "Who let the Jews out?"

Apple, who obviously suffers from Jewish guilt, called Tong to apologize for any indirect harm he may have caused.

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